Plants are our passion and our craft. We’re your green architect – not because it sounds good, but because we regard it as our mission to make the natural world part of your everyday life. For that reason, we think a lot about the interplay between architecture, modern living spaces, and green added value.
«Werk 11» in Zurich Oerlikon is where our new and innovative products first see the light of day. To develop these products, we work with national and international environmental scientists, universities, renowned designers, interior designers, and architects. From pots or green shelves to innovative substrates and hydroponics, all the way to LED plant lighting systems and long-term watering systems: with our extensive expertise and an eye for trends, we’re always working meticulously on new ideas and products, designing, testing, and customizing them. We also contribute to groundbreaking green studies and breed new, unconventional plant species in our own nursery or in the test lab. After all, we want our own research to play an active role in shaping our «green future».
In collaboration with designers such as Jakob Zumbühl, Andrin Häfeli, and Kevin Fries, we develop functional and stylish plant pots made from a variety of materials.
We test a range of substrates for root growth, water management, and water retention. For soil plants, we check how large the soil blocks need to be for optimal growth.
We test the absorbency of the mats, as well as plant growth in the mats. Moreover, we are always looking for new, alternative products.
We test the handling of the fiber mats in real-life test scenarios and experiment with the capillarity of the products
We conduct tests using alternative lighting options for our greening concepts – for example, LED lights. Together with Lumitech Schweiz GmbH, we have developed a custom light for Verticalis
We test long-term irrigation systems with hydroponics in different containers.
The water meter (designed by Christophe Marchand) can be adapted to specific systems and customer requirements.
Moritz Küderli will be happy to answer them.