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Herren Globus, Zurich

Façade Greening and Planters Featuring Seasonal Greenery

Herren Globus on the Löwen­strasse in Zurich has been redesigned. Together with archi­tec­tural firm Zettel­werk, Hydro­plant has provided the outdoor areas and façades of two terraces with some greenery in the form of climbing plants. Addi­tional planters featuring seasonal greenery, as well as tubs on the roof containing hanging plants, have trans­formed the terraces into Medi­ter­ranean oases where the customer can relax. The char­ac­ter­istics of the loca­tion and the client’s wishes for a Medi­ter­ranean flair were key when it came to selecting the plants.


  • Has a stress-reducing effect, produces oxygen and binds CO2
  • Ivy, wisteria, jasmine, kiwi (façade greening); fig, snowy mespilus (free-standing planters)

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