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HerzKlinik Hirslanden, Zürich

Verticalis 2.0 and Verticalis Big

The new heart clinic, an other­wise unre­mark­able base­ment floor with light wells to let in daylight, now features attractive, exciting spaces, thanks to the archi­tec­ture by Dost design GmbH, Schaff­hausen.

The green of the Verticalis 2.0 is the central design element. In the corridor, the vibrant green spans four walls, harmon­izes concep­tu­ally with the furniture and provides a striking focal point, a green work of art on the walls of the doctors’ offices and the waiting area in the recep­tion.

The green element of the Verticalis big install­a­tion, consisting of four green walls, guides visitors down a long corridor to the treat­ment rooms. One of the walls can be completed folded up to enable the fire service to access the stand­pipes behind it.

The corridors are indir­ectly illu­min­ated by the green of the plant walls. In addi­tion to their aesthetic benefit, the green lungs also humidify the air and improve room acous­tics.


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