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Novartis Campus, Basel

Hanging Garden and Façade Greening

Indian archi­tect Professor Rahul Mehrotra, RMA Archi­tects Mumbai and Boston, designed the new Virchow 16 lab building on the Novartis campus in Basel with a green façade and a greenery-infused atrium, inter­twining the archi­tec­ture and the plant world in striking fashion.

An inner court­yard extends from the fourth floor to the roof inter­spersed with paths and little nooks in which to linger and chat. A concen­tra­tion of trop­ical plants – a hanging garden within the building.

The topo­graphic land­scape spans three basins at different heights in a two-level system. The entire system of the indoor greening solu­tion is struc­tured so that the planted areas are connected via a pipe, thus allowing drainage of excess water. The fully auto­mated watering of the indi­vidual planted areas uses water-reten­tion irrig­a­tion and drip hoses to ensure uniform watering.

The west-facing green main façade also features dense growth of climbing and hanging plants. The façade continu­ously changes its char­acter with the chan­ging seasons, filters the sunlight, offers natural separ­a­tion of spaces and actively contrib­utes to climate control in the building.


  • Reduces noises levels, produces oxygen and binds CO2
  • Chestnut vine, climbing moss (hanging garden); clematis, kiwi, wild vine (façade greening)

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