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Rehaklinik, Bellikon

Interior Plant Design with black Olive Trees

In order to reduce the recovery time of patients and to make this as pleasant as possible, a large invest­ment was made in the atmo­sphere and mood of the new construc­tion.

The centrepiece of the green area is formed by large black olive trees in the recre­ation areas and in the base­ment.

The way in which the trees are illu­min­ated creates an exciting inter­play of shadows on the walls of the base­ment corridor. The trees stand in massive Atelier Vierkant containers. What’s more, the black olive trees – and the foliage planted among them – bring a great deal of green into the inner garden, which is also located in the base­ment.

Thanks to the trees in their Atelier Vierkant containers, the recre­ation areas become places of well-being where patients are encour­aged to linger a while.


  • Black Olive
  • Stress-relieving effect

Do you have a brilliant plant-related idea of your own?

Sophie Schweizer is all ears.