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Zug Estates AG, Zug

Vertical Greenery with overgrown Shelves

With its green terraces, the garden-centric high-rise building «Aglaya» is becoming the new land­mark of the Suurstoffi area in Risch Rotkreuz. Poten­tial buyers of the 85 total free­hold flats which will be built here by the end of 2018 can let them­selves be inspired by sugges­tions for their indi­vidual interior in an elegant show­room which extends across two floors.

Three possible concepts are displayed. Addi­tion­ally, customers can combine colours and mater­ials them­selves within the frame­work of their favoured concept in a creative studio atmo­sphere. Innov­ative, over­grown shelves provide a very special atmo­sphere and bring plenty of fresh­ness and airi­ness into the rooms.


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